How to reach A casa di Galileo

By car: motorway A12, exit Pisa centro. From Firenze: motorway A11 or highway Firenze-Pisa-Livorno. The flat is located in the historic centre of Pisa, restricted traffic area. The nearest point that can be reached by car, indicated as "loading area" on the map, is far away about 100 meters (lungarno Pacinotti, piazza Garibaldi, lungarno Mediceo). Green areas are free parking areas, blue areas are paid parking areas.

By train: every train stops in Pisa centrale station. The flat is about 1 km far away from station; several buses have stops very near to the flat (stops Pacinotti 3 or Mediceo 1). Otherwise, you can go on foot or take a taxi.

By plane: from international airport Galileo Galilei, you can take LAM rossa bus (stop Pacinotti 3) or a taxi.


Webmaster: Marco Pellegrini - Last modified: 19/6/2017